The Cathedral has a ring of 12 bells that were cast in 1913.
The Cathedral has a ring of 12 bells that were cast in 1913.
The Cathedral has a team of some six bellringers, who, augmented by other local ringers, ring for Sunday services, weddings and special occasions.
The bell ringers usually ring before the 10.30am service on Sunday morning.
Monday night is practice night, 7.45pm to 9.15pm. Visiting ringers and newcomers to bell ringing are always welcome.
Because of Public Holidays and occasional special services ringing may not be taking place, so visitors are always requested to contact the ringers before planning their visit.
The ringers can be contacted by email through the Cathedral Office. Alternatively follow them on Twitter: @BellsChelmsford
The Cathedral has a ring of 12 bells that were cast in 1913 in preparation for the foundation of the Chelmsford Diocese and St Mary’s Church becoming a Cathedral. The heaviest bell weighs 34¾cwt (1763kg) in the key of C.