Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility.
Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility.
Worried that a child or adult is at risk? Report your concern.
We aim to protect children, young people and adults to ensure the most vulnerable people are kept safe from harm and feel safe whilst involved in the Cathedral. We are committed to supporting everyone affected by abuse, in all its forms: physical, sexual, emotional, verbal, spiritual, neglect (including self-neglect), financial, discriminatory and organisational. You can read the Cathedral's Safeguarding Policy Statement here.
If you would like to read the full Safeguarding Proceedures document for Chelmsford Cathedral please click here.
If you are at risk of harm or know someone who is, please report your concern by clicking on this link. Every concern matters - no matter how small.
If the concern you are raising is an emergency, always call 999.
After our full SCIE audit report, we believe the report is a fair and balanced assessment with helpful advice on improving our safeguarding practice. As part of the report, we have received a number of recommendations for Chapter’s consideration. These have been developed into an action plan.
To read the full report, please click here.
To read the Cathedral's Action Plan (Mar 2022), please click here.
If we cannot answer your call straight away please leave an answerphone message with your name and phone number so that we can call you back.
If you are concerned that a child or adult might be in immediate danger, or requires urgent medical attention, call the emergency services on 999.
The Cathedral Safeguarding Lead reports to The Dean and Cathedral Chapter. The Cathedral Chapter Safeguarding Lead is Lorna Quinn. To report a safeguarding issue to the Church of England, please click here which willl take you to the Church of England website.
Chelmsford Cathedral adopted the Church of England's policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the policies page of the Church of England website.
…to ensure all persons involved in the Cathedral are kept safe from harm. All volunteers and staff are responsible for safeguarding. We encourage everyone involved in the Cathedral to help us recognise and report any safeguarding concerns.
It may be intentional or unintentional and some people are more vulnerable to abuse than others. Report every concern, no matter how small by emailing or call 01245 294483
Involves hurting or injuring another person. Pain, discomfort, or injuries may not always be visible.
It may include: punching, slapping, choking, pushing, grabbing, shaking, pinching, kicking, scalding, spitting, or the inappropriate use of restraints, or administering of medication. Abuse includes physical chastisement towards children.
Watch Out For: multicolored bruises, cuts, burns or marks on the body and an inconsistent or absent explanation; violent threats.
Involves causing or forcing another to engage in any form of sexual activity without their consent, or when they lack capacity to consent, or when the abuser is in a position of authority.
It may include: rape, sexual touching, penetrative sexual activity, voyeurism, sexual harassment, indecent exposure, causing another to watch or perform sexual acts on yourself or another. Sexual abuse does not require any physical touching and may occur online. A person may lack the capacity to consent because of their age, mental health or disability.
Watch Out For: bruising or pain around the genitals or breast area, sexually inappropriate behaviour or language, unexplained STI’s (sexually transmitted infections), UTI’s (urinary tract infections), particularly in children or adults unable to consent.
Involves fear, control, or isolation of another.
It may include: shouting, blackmail, relentless criticism, isolation, ignoring, undermining comments, humiliation, threats of harm or abandonment.
Watch Out For: low self-esteem or confidence, self-deprecating comments, withdrawal from social situations.
Is an incident, or pattern of incidents of controlling, threatening, coercive or violent behaviour between family members or intimate partners.
It may include: physical, sexual, emotional or financial abuse. Honour-based violence includes domestic abuse and forced marriage.
Watch Out For: Signs of other forms of abuse. The victim may be fearful or anxious about a partner or family member, secretive about their home-life, receive continuous harassing or controlling communications, or seem isolated.
Involves an illegal or improper use of someone’s money or assets.
It may include: theft, blackmail, and coercion. An individual who willingly gives their money away or allow another to access it, may still be a victim of fraud or exploitation.
Includes the misuse of religion or faith to exert power or control.
It may include: Any or all other forms of abuse. The abuser may include a parent, friend or professional at the Church or Cathedral.
Is the failure to meet basic and essential needs and may be self-directed. Individuals self-neglecting may refuse help and lead an unsafe lifestyle.
It may include: withholding food, water, medication, medical care, heating.
Watch Out For: inadequate, inappropriate, or dirty clothing, poor hygiene, sudden weight loss or dehydration, and untreated injuries or illnesses.
Is the prejudicial treatment towards an individual based upon their age, gender, gender identity, sexual identity, disability, religion or beliefs.
It may include: physical and emotional abuse, or neglectful behaviour.
Is the failure to provide services to an individual requiring care and may occur at home, in residential homes or hospitals.
It may include: a single incident or on-going mistreatment.
Is the act of exploiting another with the intention of personal or commercial gain.
It may include: travelling to the UK and being forced to illegally work against their will.
Watch Out For: Signs of abuse, communications demanding to know their location, in-access to identity documents, poor living or employment conditions.
May include any form of abuse and may occur on social media.
An independent service commissioned by The Anglican and Catholic Churches and run by a charity service called Victim Support. Safe spaces aim to support survivors of church- related abuse, providing confidential, personal, and a safe space for anyone who has been abused through their relationship within either the Church of England, Church in Wales or the Catholic Church of England and Wales.
Safe Spaces is a free service and helps those who may have experienced any form of abuse, whether reported or not. This may include sexual, physical, financial, psychological, spiritual, domestic and/or coercive and controlling behaviour.
To find out more about safe spaces please see the following contact information -
Website - (Webchat available)
Telephone - 0300 303 1056
Email -
Abuse is never the fault of the child or vulnerable person who was abused. It is always the responsibility of a person in a position of power or trust to ensure that appropriate boundaries are maintained, and that children and other people in their care who are vulnerable to abuse or neglect are kept safe.