One of the unique features of a Cathedral is the beautiful choral music and at Chelmsford Cathedral our choirs are at the heart of this tradition.
One of the unique features of a Cathedral is the beautiful choral music and at Chelmsford Cathedral our choirs are at the heart of this tradition.
The Cathedral has a traditional choir of boy choristers, girl choristers and adults who sing regularly to support the daily pattern of worship. The boy and girl choristers generally sing separately, each group having their own individual identity, but join together for special occasions. The choristers are drawn from schools right across Chelmsford and beyond and range in age from 7 to 15. The adult section of the Cathedral Choir comprises a group of professional lay clerks and volunteers, in addition to choral scholars both of school and post-graduate age.
During term time, the Cathedral Choir can be heard at services three days a week, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays, and the choir contributes to major church festivals, such as Christmas and Easter. They also take part in many of the city’s commemorations and celebrations including Remembrance Sunday and the Christmas Lights Switch On.
If you’d like to find out more about joining the choir, click here.
The Chelmsford Cathedral Young Singers is an exciting choir for boys and girls aged 7 - 14.
The Young Singers rehearse on Tuesdays after school and sing at occassional special services and events.
There is no audition to join the Young Singers and we welcome all children who love to sing. Please email our Music Department to find out more.
Chorister life is busy but a lot of fun, and the benefits of being a chorister are second to none:
Here at Chelmsford Cathedral, we believe that the love of music that began at Newport Cathedral will remain with our choristers for the rest of their lives!
Comedian and actor, Alexander Armstrong, who was himself a chorister at St Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh, described his experience as a tremendous privilege and “the single greatest leg-up a child can be given in life”.
Enquiries about joining the choir can be made at any time by contacting our Music Department.
Choral scholars are a key part of the music team at Chelmsford Cathedral. A choral scholar will be expected to be a good sight-reader, as the repertoire of the choir is wide and varied and rehearsal time is somewhat limited; previous experience of the Anglican choral repertoire is valuable but not essential.
The scholarships run from the beginning of September until the end of July, including Christmas and Easter; accommodation is provided in nearby houses shared with other Cathedral scholars. Singing lessons are provided and there are frequent opportunities for solo and ensemble performances in a variety of contexts and repertoires.
For more information contact our Music Department.
Can you help support music making in the Cathedral? Supporting our work helps nurture future generations of musicians, preserve centuries-old musical traditions and provide profound musical experiences for listeners.